Covid-19 Protocols
Current Covid-19 Protocols (Due to Texas Supreme Court Ruling and Governor's decree): Facemasks are currently not required, but are highly encouraged for staff, students, parents, and especially those who are not vaccinated against Covid-19.
(CAPA's normal policy is outlined below.) Should the above circumstances noted in parentheses change, the policies below will be back in full effect.
Updated August 23rd, 2021
CAPA takes Covid-19 very seriously, as the public health dilemma it has become. In order to keep students and parents as safe as possible, we will continue to follow the health guidelines adopted by the Northside Independent School District (NISD) and modify our guidelines when adjusted by NISD. Class Act Performing Arts (CAPA) requires all staff and students to stay home when they are ill or experiencing any symptoms associated with any illness or communicable condition. In order to reduce community spread of COVID-19 and other communicable illnesses and conditions, we follow best practices and recommendations from both our local health department and the Northside Independent School District. CAPA understands that unlike older children and adults, young children cannot be expected to maintain social distancing at all times. Therefore, CAPA focuses on a hierarchy of measures beginning with keeping ill people home, followed by frequent hand cleaning and good hygiene practices, amplified cleaning, and curricular and facility adaptations to minimize contact and mingling where possible.
In the event a class is unable to be held at the studio, classes will convert to an online learning platform until in-studio classes can resume. CAPA is committed to providing a safer dance studio experience. Accordingly, CAPA emphasizes “safety first,” and that it is each member and each member’s parent/ guardian’s responsibility to promote safety in the dance studio to the extent that such promotion is within their control. By remaining safety-conscious, all members and their parents/guardians can protect themselves and their peers.
All students and their guardians are encouraged to bring any concerns relating to health and safety to CAPA personnel, regardless of how minor the concern may be, as prompt reporting enables CAPA to assess and, if necessary, revise/correct any potential health or safety hazards. CAPA will continue to monitor and update its policies relating to the health and safety of all persons involved with CAPA and will continue to take all commercially reasonable steps to advance the health and safety of all members and other persons.
Masks are currently MANDATORY for Dancers, Parents and Teachers when inside the facility, as we follow the NISD protocols put in place effective August 23, 2021. This temporary mask mandate will remain in effect as necessary given local health metrics and circumstances. The health and well-being of students and staff remains our top priority.
We will have sanitizing areas set up in all lobbies and classrooms.
If your student or any member of your household have been tested for COVID-19 and have not yet received results, please refrain from attending classes until a Negative result has been received.
If your student is showing any symptoms related to COVID-19, please refrain from attending until symptoms have passed.
Lobbies will be open for ONE parent/guardian per student per family. Staff will be on the premises to answer any questions you may have.
Each student needs to bring a labeled bottle of water with them each day.